December 21 2012, the Mayan calendar date, Astrology and prophecies. From

December 21 2012, 12-21-2012, is the Mayan calendar date. So nothing much happened then. But perhaps it was the beginning of a time of change. On this site we will discuss related astrology patterns and prophecies (Bible, Nostradamus) and the King James version English Bible Code.
This site proposes that events described in the Bible's Book of Revelation are coming true now, as described on the first page and the calendar page. Astrology and New Age ideas are also discussed on this site. Chaos in the world today I think is caused by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse riding. There is also concern over the Second Horseman War riding in 2023 - 2030, with the Ukraine War An evil dictator called the Antichrist, described in Revelation 13, is in my opinion Russian President Putin.

Dec. 21 2012 Astrology Chart

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