A way to analyze words and names in terms of Bible Prophecy is to associate them with
numbers by translating into Greek, the original language of the New Testament including the Book of
Revelation, where each letter is also a number, so each
word can be given a number by totalling the letter/numbers. In Hebrew, the language of the Bible's Old Testament, in a similar way each letter is also a number, and the number/word patterns are discussed in this page on Hebrew.
In this way (by summing the letter/numbers) "Jesus" in Greek totals 888, which is interesting
because 666 is the number associated with the Antichrist in Revelation 13 (although "Antichrist" does not translate to 666 by this method, Revelation 13 says "the number of the beast" is 666, but it is not clear what this means. Another Christian-related
number is 153-- in the New
Testament, Peter (disciple of Christ and builder of the Christian Church) caught 153 fish in his net. One way to analyze the resulting numbers is to see if they are a multiple or sum of significant numbers such as 111 (which both 666 and 888 are a multiple of), 666, 888, 153, 12 (as in the 12 disciples of Christ), 144 (the 144,000 in Revelation 14), 40 (associated with testing, such as 40 years in the wilderness), 450 (related to False Prophets, the 450 False Prophets of Baal were destroyed in 1 Kings 18), 42 (the Antichrist rules for 42 months in Revelation 13), etc.. Another way to consider these numbers is to relate them to Bible passage numbers, in particular the Book of
Revelation (the subject of this web site) and the Psalms. Note that all Bible quotes listed below are King James version.
The Greek Alphabet and the corresponding numbers:
Alpha = 1
Beta = 2
Gamma = 3
Delta = 4
Epsilon = 5
Zeta = 7
Eta = 8
Theta = 9
Iota = 10
Kappa = 20
Lambda = 30
Mu = 40
Nu = 50
Xi = 60
Omicron = 70
Pi = 80
Rho = 100
Sigma = 200
Tau = 300
Upsilon = 400
Phi = 500
Chi = 600
Psi = 700
Omega = 800
* Vau, a now extinct letter, was 6. Note also that Sigma-Tau (these two letters in that order in a word) may be counted as 6, or 500, so such words have two totals.
Now we will find the number totals for some words:
Iota = 10
Eta = 8
Sigma = 200
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Sigma = 200
Total = 888
Analysis: It is interesting that Jesus totals 888=111x8, since 666 is the number of the Antichrist in Revelation 13 (although it is not clear how 666 is the number of the Antichrist, the word Antichrist or Beast does not total 666 in Greek).
Sigma = 200
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Upsilon = 400
Rho = 100
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Total=777 (for Sigma-Tau = 6)
or, 1271 (for Sigma-Tau = 500).
Analysis: Interesting pattern: 666 - Antichrist number, 777 - The Cross, 888 - Jesus.
Tau = 300
Epsilon = 5
Iota = 10
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Total = 666
Analysis: This is very interesting, since in 2004 the Cassini spacecraft reached Saturn, and sent a probe which landed on its moon Titan in Jan. 2005. Could this predict critical events connected with the rise of the Antichrist Putin (666)? See this
page on Cassini. Note that Titan/666/Antichrist is a satellite of Saturn/Satan. And in 2017 Cassini crashed into Titan, and the U.S. entered a very dark period in 2017 that lasted 4 years.
Saturn (Kronos):
Kappa = 20
Rho = 100
Omicron = 70
Nu = 50
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Total = 510
Analysis: 510=17x3x5x2. Note that Saturn I would associate with Satan, and Saturn is a time deity.
The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost:
Tau = 300
Omicron = 70
Subtotal = 370
Alpha = 1
Gamma = 3
Iota = 10
Omicron = 70
Nu = 50
Subtotal = 134
Pi = 80
Nu = 50
Epsilon = 5
Upsilon = 400
Mu = 40
Alpha = 1
Subtotal = 576
Total = 1080
Analysis:1080=27x40=3x3x3x2x2x2x5. Refer to Revelation 10:8. Note that corresponding to 27, Revelation 2:7 refers to the Holy Spirit and the tree of life. 40 is associated with testing: 40 days in the wilderness, etc.
Sigma = 200
Alpha = 1
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Alpha = 1
Total = 553
die: (Matthew 26:35. "to die")
Alpha = 1
Pi = 80
Omicron = 70
Theta = 9
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Epsilon = 5
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Total = 276
Mu = 40
Epsilon = 5
Lambda = 30
Alpha = 1
Sigma = 200
Total = 276
Analysis: Here we see a pattern of some "Dark Side" words being multiples (or approximately multiples) of 276: 276x2=552, and "Satan" totals 553 (1 more), "die" totals 276, and "black" totals 276.
Adam (the first man):
Alpha = 1
Delta = 4
Alpha = 1
Mu = 40
Total = 46
Analysis: Note that Adam, the first man in the Bible, totals 46, and man has 46 chromosones, so maybe 46 we can associate 46 with man.
And note Revelation 13:18 about the Antichrist: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666)." Could "the number of a man" be 46? And note that Palladium, the element used in
Cold Fusion, is element 46.
Antichrist (John 4:3):
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Tau = 300
Iota = 10
Chi = 600
Rho = 100
Iota = 10
Sigma = 200
Tau = 300
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Total = 2041
An alternate spelling of Antichrist in John 2:22 ends with Sigma instead of Upsilon, for a total of 1841.
Analysis: So Antichrist does not total 666. But note:
40 in the Bible is associated with testing: 40 years of wandering in the wilderness for the people of Israel before they entered the Promised Land, Christ was tempted by Satan for 40 days in the wilderness, etc.. And 46 we can associate with man. So the number of man times the number for testing is only 1 away from the number of the Antichrist.
In Matthew 24:30, "power" is spelled:
Delta = 4
Upsilon = 400
Nu = 50
Alpha = 1
Mu = 40
Epsilon = 5
Omega = 800
Sigma = 200
Total = 1500
Note that in Psalm 150, 150:1 "firmament of his power".
Also note Revelation 13:5, where it is said that the Antichrist has Satanic power for 42 months:
"And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months."
Multiply 1500x42=63000, so let us associate the number 630 with Satanic power. Note this pattern, of a Satanic power cycle of 630 years (see these pages also, on the
historical calendar and time interval patterns):
630x2=1260 A.D.: Genghis Khan and the Mongol invasion of the Middle East. The Mongols: the Satanic dragon; today the Satanic dragon is Red China, as well as Satan himself.
630x3=1890 A.D.: 1 year after the birth of Hitler in 1889 A.D.. Hitler being the forerunner of the Antichrist (Putin).
So, we see here the dragon, and the forerunner of the Antichrist (Hitler), at 630 year Satanic power intervals. Also note: "serpent" in John 3:14 totals 630, and the serpent is Satan in Biblical symbolism:
Omicron = 70
Phi = 500
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Total = 630
light (Luke 11:35):
Phi = 500
Omega = 800
Sigma = 200
Total = 1500
Analysis: Note that both light and power total 1500. See the time intervals page, where I discuss that the Renaissance occurred around 1500 A.D., an enlightening period in European history. Also note the last Psalm 150 includes in 150:1 "...of his power".
Alpha = 1
Rho = 100
Mu = 40
Alpha = 1
Gamma = 3
Epsilon = 5
Delta = 4
Delta = 4
Omega = 800
Nu = 50
Total = 1008
Analysis: Armageddon is a location in Israel that is said in Revelation 16:16 to be the location of a great war at the end of the rule of the Antichrist. It is now also a word meaning a great war, usually referring to a future World War 3. Note that 1008=63x16=144x7, and Revelation 6:3 is the second horseman, war, and Revelation 16 includes the passage on Armageddon. Note also the number 144 is a factor, note there are 144,000 chosen ones in Revelation 14.
So let us now translate some names of people discussed elsewhere on this site:
United States Politics:
Mu = 40
Pi = 80
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Sigma = 200
Total = 790
Hillary Clinton:
Chi = 600
Iota = 10
Lambda = 30
Alpha = 1
Rho = 100
Iota = 10
Total = 751
Kappa = 20
Lambda = 30
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Tau = 300
Omicron = 70
Nu = 50
Total = 530
Hillary Clinton = 1281
Russian President Vladimir V. Putin:
this page
I explain why I believe he may be the Antichrist of Revelation 13).
Beta = 2
Lamda = 30
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Tau = 300
Iota = 10
Mu = 40
Iota = 10
Rho = 100
Subtotal (Vladimir) = 543
Beta = 2
Subtotal (V.) = 2
Pi = 80
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Tau = 300
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Subtotal (Putin) = 910
Total (Vladimir V. Putin) = 1455
Total (Vladimir Putin) = 1453
Analysis: So the numbers of "Vladimir Putin" and "Putin" are not 666, or even a multiple of it. But Putin=910=91x10, and consider for a corresponding Bible passage number, Revelation 9:1, where a star falls from heaven into the bottomless pit, and is given the key to the bottomless pit (which I think is the key to nuclear weapons).
"9:1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit."
This is about the Antichrist. Also "pit" sounds like "Putin". Note that I discuss on
this page Revelation 9 and how it and Revelation 11 describe the September 11 events, with Revelation 9:11 actually naming a Demon from Hell called "The Destroyer", who I think is Osama bin Laden. Also, for corresponding Bible passages, consider Psalm 91: this is about being defended from terror and disease. And 910=13x70, Revelation 13 being about the Antichrist. Also, note that Cain in the Bible lived 910 years; it was Cain who murdered his brother Abel, both being sons of Adam and Eve, and so Cain became a wanderer of the earth for the rest of his years.
Also, two other words that total 910 in Greek (the same as "Putin") are: "fiery" and "bloody". These are shown below. Note that it is a fiery star that falls from heaven in Revelation 9:1.
Pi = 80
Upsilon = 400
Rho = 100
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Total = 910
Phi = 500
Omicron = 70
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Iota = 10
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Total = 910
Osama bin Laden:
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Alpha = 1
Mu = 40
Alpha = 1
Subtotal first word (Osama) = 312
Mu = 40
Pi = 80
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Subtotal second word (bin) = 180
Lambda = 30
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Tau = 300
Epsilon = 5
Nu = 50
Subtotal third word (Laden) = 436
Total (Osama bin Laden) = 928 = 116x32=29x32
Analysis: Corresponding Bible passage number to 928: Revelation 9:2, referring to "smoke of a great furnace", which I think here would be the World Trade Center fires:
"9:1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit."
Also refer to as a corresponding Bible passage Psalm 92:7-9, on the "wicked spring up like grass", but are destroyed, Osama being the wicked one described here who ultimately will be destroyed. Psalm 92:7-9:
"92:7 When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever:
8 But thou, LORD, art most high for evermore.
9 For, lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for, lo, thine enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered."
Also note: 928=888+40
888 is "Jesus" in Greek, and 40 is associated in the Bible with testing. So this may mean that the U.S., home of the New Jerusalem, has had its Satanic test because of this demon Osama bin Laden, and the U.S. is passing the test.
Also note, in Greek the word "angel" (refer to the Revelation 16:3 spelling) totals 312, the same as "Osama", and "unholy" totals 436, the same as "Laden", indicating again that Osama bin Laden is an "unholy angel", which is an angel from Hell or demon. See below:
Alpha = 1
Gamma = 3
Gamma = 3
Epsilon = 5
Lamda = 30
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Total = 312
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Iota = 10
Epsilon = 5
Rho = 100
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Total = 436
Al Qaeda:
Alpha = 1
Lambda = 30
Kappa = 20
Epsilon = 5
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Total = 417
Analysis: Al Qaeda is Osama bin Laden's
terrorist organization. Corresponding to 417, consider Psalm 41:5-8, which I would interpret here as about the enemies of Israel plotting against her, including al Qaida:
"41:5 Mine enemies speak evil of me, When shall he die, and his name perish?
6 And if he come to see me, he speaketh vanity: his heart gathereth iniquity to itself; when he goeth abroad, he telleth it.
7 All that hate me whisper together against me: against me do they devise my hurt.
8 An evil disease, say they, cleaveth fast unto him: and now that he lieth he shall rise up no more."
Alpha = 1
Rho = 100
Alpha = 1
Beta = 2
Alpha = 1
Total = 105
Saddam Hussein:
Sigma = 200
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Mu = 40
First word = 592
Chi = 600
Omicron = 70
Upsilon = 400
Sigma = 200
Epsilon = 5
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Second word = 1335
Total = 1927
Analysis: Note that 888(Jesus)x666=591.4, approximately the number for
Saddam, indicating he is an evil "Satanic imitation of Christ". Also note that Iraq is the site of the Ancient Kingdom of Babylon, and note corresponding Bible Passage Revelation 19:2:
"19:2 For true and righteous are his judgements: for he hath judged the great whore (Babylon/Iraq here), which did corrupt the earth...and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand."
This may be about both the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq, and the 2003 war in Iraq. As far as corrupting the earth, remember the oil well fires Saddam set off during the Gulf War, one of the great environmental disasters of history.
Alpha = 1
Delta = 4
Omicron = 70
Lambda = 30
Phi = 500
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
First Word = 875
Chi = 600
Iota = 10
Tau = 300
Lambda = 30
Epsilon = 5
Rho = 100
Second Word = 1045
Total = 1920
Note that 1920=8x8x30=6x6x6x8.88
where 888 is the number for "Jesus" in Greek, and 666 is the Number of the Beast, so this indicates a "Satanic Christ".
Now we will consider some place names:
New York:
Nu = 50
Epsilon = 5
Alpha = 1
First word = 56
Upsilon = 400
Omicron = 70
Rho = 100
Kappa = 20
Eta = 8
Second word = 598
Total = 654
Analysis: Corresponding to 654, Revelation 6:5 is about the Third Horseman,
Economic Depression, and New York City is the world economic center. Also consider Psalm 65:4:
"65:4 Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple."
This again suggests that New York City is the New Jerusalem, with the Holy Temple located in it.
Gamma = 3
Alpha = 1
Lambda = 30
Lambda = 30
Iota = 10
Alpha = 1
Total = 75
Alpha = 1
Gamma = 3
Gamma = 3
Lambda = 30
Iota = 10
Alpha = 1
Total = 48
Alpha = 1
Phi = 500
Gamma = 3
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Iota = 10
Sigma = 200
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Total = 1116
For 1116 refer to Revelation 11:16-18 and Psalm 11:6.
Psalm 11:
"11:5 The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup."
This punishment of the wicked by fire and brimstone would be referring to the bombing of terrorists in Afghanistan.
Iota = 10
Rho = 100
Alpha = 1
Chi = 600
Total = 711
Iota = 10
Rho = 100
Alpha = 1
Nu = 50
Total = 161
Rho = 100
Omega= 800
Sigma = 200
Iota = 10
Alpha = 1
Total = 1111
Analysis: Note that 1111x6=6666, where 6 is connected with man, where man was created on day 6 in Genesis.
Also note that these letters include Alpha and Omega, symbols of Christ, and the letters "RIS", as in "Christ rise", as an indication of the Antichrist rising to power in Russia.
Mu = 40
Omicron = 70
Sigma = 200
Chi = 600
Alpha = 1
Total = 911
Analysis: refer to Revelation 9:11.
Kappa = 20
Iota = 10
Nu = 50
Alpha = 1
Total = 81
Analysis: See the page on
SARS disease, where SARS disease began in China, and the RNA sequence of SARS has 29,727=81x367 nucleotides. And 81=9x9, 9 being connected with judgement. Also Covid-19 began in China.
Hong Kong:
Chi = 600
Omicron = 70
Nu = 50
Gamma = 3
Kappa = 20
Kappa = 20
Omicron = 70
Nu = 50
Gamma = 3
Kappa = 20
Total = 906
Analysis: I think that Hong Kong is the mouth of a lion (being a formerly British colony now owned by Red China), of the China-Russia Antichrist beast, with Russia the bear and China the dragon, and the dragon also being Satan.
SARS and deadly H1N1 or Bird
Flu and Covid-19
diseases could be demons coming out of the mouth of the dragon, in Revelation 16. Russia and China had joint military exercises in 2005.
Totals 1390 in Greek. Could be about Revelation 13:9
Telomeres: in genetics, there is a repeating DNA sequence
of letters at the end of chromosones in man and other mammals, called telomeres.
This DNA sequence is: TTAGGG. It tells cells when to stop duplicating,
since the telomere shortens each time the cell duplicates, so it eventually
stops the cell from duplicating, and may have much to do with human development, lifetime length and aging, and avoiding cancer (which is uncontrolled cell division).
Tau = 300
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Gamma = 3
Gamma = 3
Gamma = 3
Total = 610
Analysis: corresponding to 610, Psalm 61:
Psalm 61:6: "Thou wilt prolong the king's life: and his years as many generations."
Also note the word "river" totals a number close to that, 611, in Greek:
Pi = 80
Omicron = 70
Tau = 300
Alpha = 1
Mu = 40
Omicron = 70
Nu = 50
Total = 611
Analysis: Revelation 22:
22:1 "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal..."
22:2 "In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life..."
"River of water of life" - this would be DNA. "tree of life" - that is the evolution of life. Also note that Revelation 19, 21, 22 appear to describe an alien takeover of earth, see this
calendar page on it. This mention of DNA in Revelation 22 may mean that aliens will modify human DNA.
Also see my pages on related subjects, on
the Bible Code,
the King James version Bible Code,
ASCII computer code,
Julian dates, and
666 day intervals.
calendar page has a calendar of future events.
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