The English King James version Bible code - Part 4b - on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, elected President and Vice President in November 2020

The "Bible Code" is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a continuous block of Hebrew letters. Then, by skipping letters at a programmed interval, the program searches for words. There appear to be patterns to the passages where the words are found, and what words are clustered together. This page on the King James Bible Code discusses research I did on an English Bible code in the King James version Bible. This page has a Bible Code matrices on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, elected President and Vice President in November 2020. Other pages on the King James Bible Code:
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By using Bible code software I searched for some words in the King James New Testament and Old Testament (separately). I found that there is evidence of English Bible code patterns that the software found by skipping varying intervals, in the King James Old Testament or New Testament, made into a block of solid text. And on this site I show that the Bible Code also works in English in the King James Bible. Here I searched for King James Bible Code matrices on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, elected President and Vice President in November 2020.

Bible Code matrices on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, elected President and Vice President in November 2020.

This King James version Bible Code matrix on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris was found by a New Testament search in the King James Bible, with search words AMERICA. BIDEN, HARRIS. The matrix is at 1 Corinthians 14:5 to 2 Corinthians 8:18.

Search words BIDEN, DEMOCRAT, New Testament search, this matrix is at Hebrews 6:4 to Revelation 11:13. Note: "walks in the truth".

Search words: JOE BIDEN, HARRIS. New Testament search. John 20:14 to John 5:8.

Search words: Joe Biden's full name: JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN. New Testament Search. Matthew 11:28 to John 20:7.

Search words: AMERICA, BIDEN, HARRIS. New Testament matrix at Matthew 18:18 to Revelation 18:12.

This matrix shows that this election was a choice between good and dark forces, with Mr. Biden on the side of what is good for the country. This was from a New Testament search for KAMALA, HARRIS, BIDEN, and is at Matthew 10:20 to Matthew 12:43.

Video on Joe Biden and the King James version Bible Code.

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