The English King James version Bible code - Part 8e - giant earthquake hit Japan.

The "Bible Code" is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a continuous block of Hebrew letters. Then, by skipping letters at a programmed interval, the program searches for words. There appear to be patterns to the passages where the words are found, and what words are clustered together. And on this site I show that the Bible Code also works in English in the King James Bible.

The Bible Code also works in English in the King James Bible, as I show with the Bible Code matrices on this site. This page 8e on the Bible Code includes a matrix on the possibility of a giant earthquake hitting Tokyo Japan. And there was the 9.0 Japan quake and tidal wave tsunami in March 2011.

March 11 2011. Giant 9.0 earthquake in Japan off the coast, and a tidal wave tsunami hits Japan. Then a 6.8 aftershock quake in Japan.

The following Bible Code searches were done with Codefinder Bible Code software, on the King James Bible in English, where I have found the Bible Code also works. Also see the other pages on the King James Bible Code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
By using Bible code software I searched for some words in the King James New Testament and Old Testament (separately). I found that there is evidence of English Bible code patterns that the software found by skipping varying intervals, in the King James Old Testament or New Testament, made into a block of solid text. On this page I show a matrix on the possibility of a giant quake shaking Tokyo Japan.
This matrix resulted from a New Testament King James Bible Code search, and it is at Peter 1:12 - Revelation 12:7, and it includes these search words:
-- TOKYO (ELS skip = 3317)
And also in this matrix, these relevant phrases:
Also, note that this matrix ends at Revelation 12:7, where angels fight against the dragon. The dragon is a commonly used symbol in Japanese and Chinese mythology.

Also see this page on the predictions calendar on the possibility of major quakes occurring.

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